Business & Finance

Monday, April 13, 2009

Jobs in India, Jobs Search - Jobseeker - Job Seeker - Placement India Vacancy - Vacancies Job Employment oppor?

Jobs in India, Jobs Search - Jobseeker - Job Seeker - Placement India Vacancy - Vacancies Job Employment opportunities vacancies in - Bangalore - Chennai ...


I want to get into Investment Banking?

Hi there, I am 16 and about to sit my GCSE's, I really want to get into Investment Banking in the future as it is my dream job, but I need some information.

I am predicted an A* in Maths and an A* in Statistics for GCSE's.

After I sit them, I'll be attending a good college where I'll be studying:


Further Maths


Hopefully, I'll do well in those subjects and possibly attend a good university (Cambridge or Oxford, possibly :P) and study Pure Maths.

How do I get into investment banking from here :/


In today's economic climate, you are going to be very popular.

Bankers names are mud at present.

Once you have your education you need to start applying to jobs. Apply to as many jobs as you can find. It is very tough to get into investment banking. Don't expect to get hired right away but you will get hired eventually.

Now, as a young person, you should start researching investment banking as much as you possibly can. Know it inside out.

Hmmm... job crisis! Which job should i take? eek!?

im doin a assignment an u choose a carreer i dont no what to do, zoology or someone like an ncis agent (cant be one cause i am aussie)

i want to have a job where ya do he exact same thing as ncis or do zoology?????/\

i love animals but an agent seems very appealing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please help!

its an assignment - use your imagination in your assignment!

its an assignment does it have to be completely realistic? im quite sure it wouldnt havee to be just choose whichever roll a dice or be an aussie and flip a bloody coin

How do I move up the business ladder?

By selling your soul like all of those other people have.

With hard work and a lot of luck.

if we knew we would be richer.

Job prospectus for PGD in Financial Analysis?

I'm very interested in finance and I've applied to study PGD in Financial Analysis in a New Zealand university. Could anyone tell me the job opportunities for this course in NZ?

Plenty of job opportunities exists in New Zealand for persons with PGD qualifications in Financial Analysis .

The opportunities are updated in the site

The value of financial analysis is increasingly being recognised by large firms. Skills in financial analysis and the use of financial tools for capital budgeting, cash management, hedging and risk management are in demand.

Should We all Leave RBS?

As RBS intend to sack British workers and take the work abroad to India to save money, should its customers vote with its feet and bank elsewhere?


Absolutely not. The balance of money is a fickle one at the best of times; think back to Norther Rock as a classic example and the ques of people wanting their money out. The best thing to do is ignore politics and keep confidence high.

If we all went, RBS as we know it would be no more; for once as individuals by way of a collective we can have some degree of influence. No, leave well alone (IMO) we are sliding on a razor blade as it is, RBS popping its clogs would not help one bit to rebuild consumer confidence.


RBS is reorganising. It has to lay off those staff of divisions that are not profitable. Its retail sections both locally and overseas are doing well.To save some staff from redundancies it may need to re ploy staff to India.

Careers in Finance what should I pick?

I plan on being a Finance major and I just want to know what are all the in demand careers that pay good in the finance industry. I like to be able to deal with the management of money and advise people or businesses on investment decisions so what would be good for me as far as careers go?



Why was Fannie Mae in financial trouble?

I have some questions about Fannie Mae that I need to be answered for a school project.

Who is Fannie Mae?

Why are they in trouble?

How did they get into to economic trouble?

What is being done to get them out?

How it effects me as a American?

Look forward to seeing your answers.

Same reason the banks were in trouble. People defaulted on mortgages. They become strapped for cash, so they beg the government for it. They received bailout money from the government.

Fannie Mae is a government sponsered enterprise or GSE. Fannie Mae bought or %26quot;securitized%26quot; mortgage loans from banks. This provides plenty of money or %26quot;liquidity%26quot; to banks to make loans to people to buy houses.

Here is the short answer why they are in trouble and PART of the reason why we are in this financial mess. Mortgage brokers sold loans to people to buy houses they could not afford, Fannie Mae did as they always do and buy that mortgage from the bank. Normally mortgage payments from the homebuyer would keep coming in as they always have. The problem is Fannie Mae did not appreciate the risk that was happening. They did not know that poor risk buyers were being sold overvalued homes they could not afford. It is like you loaning a friend $100, expecting to get $10 a month for 10 months. After a month they quit paying you.. Suddenly you just lost $90 or 90%

They got into trouble because of artificially low interest rates, greedy banks, greedy mortgage brokers, greedy homeowners, and lazy risk assessment agencies (AMBAC, MBIA).

The government is trying to get people to rework their mortgages to stay in their homes and continue to pay their mortgages. The government is also trying to convince private companies to buy the %26quot;toxic assets%26quot; to get them off Fannie Mae%26#039;s balance sheet.

As an American you should think about what the responsbility of the federal government is in all this. What are your tax dollars being used for and are they being used in a constitutional, rational manner? Should the government print money to artificially inflate prices of homes and stocks to appease the masses though they know it is all fake? These are questions to ask those in charge and yourself.

Bad loans. They created a market for bad loans (excuse me, I mean loans to under-qualified mortgage applicants who had been kept down by the traditional system that required good credit ratings and proof of income), which caused banks to write bad loans. Fannie Mae then purchased the loans. Wholesale financial collapse ensued.


How old do I have to be to work in Australia?

more specific, South Australia and shops like woolworths, foodland etc

please, dont say how old u have to be in the USA becoz im not interested in the USA ok? only south australia

14 and 9 months buddy- or at least that was the case a decade ago, i don't believe anything has changed.

its 14 and 9 months

it sucks cuz im 13 and really want a job.

i'm not sure i think about 15 !

so sorry if i'm wrong!


What is the accountant making the economy more efficient? Does an accountant play any role in an economic stage?

Take a look at this article:

none -- an accountant balances the books -- he does not concern himself on how the money is generated!!!

What do people who work in commissions departments do?

I am speaking of those who pay the commissions not those who make the sales. Details please as I am interested in a position. Is this like accounting? In what way?

It's like payroll, but it's more complicated because it's not a set salary or hourly wage. There are a lot of calculations to find the pay amount. I would still consider it payroll.

What are the world-wide recognized certicfications avilable in the field of Finance or economics?

I hard that CFA is one of the world-wide recognized professional certification if any one wants a career in the field of Finance. Is this correct? Are there any more professional certification (world-wide accepted)? What about in the field of Economics? I am looking for good guidance. please help!

With economics, no certifications but a PhD is a must have if you want to climb up the ladder. And lots of publications in academic journals


Why do I have to include my parent

on my FAFSA and then again to my college if they aren't helping me pay for college at all?

My parent's think college is useless and any money I need for school isn't coming from them- it's coming from me. So why even look at their financial standing- it has nothing to do with it. Me having to asked for signed copies of their tax forms is just making them hate me for wanting to go to college even more.

FAFSA thinks that if your parents have enough money, they will be donating some to your education. You may have to have them fill out a form saying that they no longer supply you with any financial support.

WIll I win this case?

I got terminated for being intoxicated, yet no drug test was done. It was suggested but once I told my boss firmly "I am not drunk" he told me to go home. I called him when I went home and explained the situation. I told him I didnt sleep the night before And i was exhausted. My shift started at 7. They didnt accuse me of being drunk til 12, after I returned from an hour late lunch cause i feel asleep!!! When i returned I was still half awake and when they asked me questions I responded with " I dunno". Once I realized the severity of this I guess my adrenaline kicked on and I was more responsive. I returned to work the next day and continued working for a month with no disciplinary action for this incident. A month later I got sent home and called into the office given another reason for being terminated (accused of PURPOSELY given extra product to a customer, even tho it is the managers responsiblity to check the order before it goes out, and that he did, so the extra product was not given, I dont even recall pulling the extra product but they said I did ) the intoxication issue was brought up but not the cause of termination it happened a month earlier with no test!! anyways, I came into work the day of this incident extremely exhausted because of the hours I was given, I asked my manager to change the schedule cause I wasnt getting enough sleep, he declined. Mind you, I worked an hour an a half away, and they knew this by the time i got home, showered etc I would only be getting three hours of sleep. Sometimes I culdnt sleep at all not because I didnt want to but because I had to It seems as if they put me on a unmanageable schedule on purpose, When i was first hired I was told of a better schedule, every other saturday off and sundays off... but I was working every saturday ALONG with being the ONLY person to work on sundays! the hours throughtout my work week conflicted with each other and a normal night of sleep... I was disciminated against, Got called twinkle toes by my manager, asked if I was planning to sabatage the company, cursed out and yelled out right in my face cause he didnt like my hat in front of employees and my customers who had alot of respect for me, I had helped him out with an order and afterwards he said 'alright, go take a ****, now" I was very disrespected many times to the point where I would AVOID my boss. I was labeled as a partier from the way I dressed even tho I ahrdly went out due to my "messed up" schedule.. I would ask to leave early to get some sleep, they would respond with a cocky remark such as "you just want to party" ... My question is AM I AT fault? Can I win this appeal?

No because the company will just argue that for whatever your reason you were not doing your job. You were not giving a full days work for a full days pay.

You can try.

why would u write so much? i lost interest in 3 might have been intoicated

How successful is a Master of Finance along with a CFA if one does not work at a bank?

I am looking into a Master of Finance Degree, with a possibility of obtaining a CFA License. My question how successful is Master of Finance degree along with a CFA if one does not work at a bank, however a fortune 500 company, Textron, etc. I need some advice.

I think that you should talk with a college adviser about this or at least a talk to a professor of Finance. They should have better advice than anyone on this site can give you. Good Luck!

You can find latest jobs in your area,find now at

During the last year in the U.S., which is larger:# of people who lost jobs in the auto or financial industry?

I'm assuming companies are giving there execs bonuses left right and center

You can find latest jobs in your area,find now at

Im 16 and think i overwork?

I'm 16 and i work at a local pizza place. At first i only worked around 2 days 5 hour shifts. But the owner slowly began adding more and now I'm working 5 days a week 5 to 6 hours. This includes Friday and Saturdays so I have no time to have fun with my friends. Summer is coming up and I don't want to waste it working all day. I want to just start working like I used to 3 days a 3 week . I still attend school and planning to go to college. I had to give up soccer for my school because of this. How do I tell my boss this?? please help

I don't know how to approach my boss with this and to top it off he isn't the nicest of them. The manager that usually works when i am is quite nice and I'im sure he would understand because he also has a son my age. But it isn't like he can do anything.

yes but, in this faster world, everyonce should fight with Work

Fall is result of Opportunity to get Top

Thank you

u just have to be brave i suppose, even though its not to big of a deal, just tell you boss that you cant work that much

A great job and way for Teens to make money is by doing Free Surveys Online. Its simple, easy and for ages 13 and up. check this blog for more info and Proof of Payments

Hundreds of market research companies use online surveys to learn exactly what consumers want. And they're willing to pay top dollars for your opinion!

Can temp to hire employees receive unemployement?

If your temp to hire for 6 months or more could you receive unemployement if let go?

~~If the temp agency issues you a paycheck then UI is deducted from your payroll check. As long as you meet your state's requirements for the quarterly wages you must have to qualify then you can receive it.

Go to you state's website and apply. They will tell you if you qualify or not~~

Financial problems family problems what do i do ?

For all my life i have been supported by my grandma and when we moved to the current house we are living in now my uncle and my grandma have been supporting me and my mother is a drug abuser and a alcoholic i mean i have to call the bars and look for her its terrible i even have the bar numbers memorized. she has no job.

well my grandma is 64 years old and she only gets one income and that is social security and my uncle had a check from social security but that was it and that's what we lived off of. but in feb my uncle passed away and were only on one check and that's not enough for rent bills and other things that are needed what do i do im only 15 years old i have a younger sister who is 11 years old and we have a roommate who is 20 what do i do.

my father is a dead beat

You could maybe get a part time job some where. I think you have to be at least 15. Try local grocery stores and retail stores. Good luck!

How does this pay sound to you?

I%26#039;m 16 and I just got a job as a lifeguard a day camp. I%26#039;m working monday-friday for 8 weeks. I%26#039;ll be receiving 2300 dollars. How does that sound to you?

For 8 weeks, and 5 days per week, that pay breaks down into:

-$287.50 per week

Assuming it is an 8 hour work day, that would equal $7.19 per hour.

Then you have to take taxes and stuff like that out, so it would probably be around $6 something (give or take, depending on where you live and tax rates) you would be netting.

So at a guaranteed $6 per hour, at 40 hours per week, that is $240.00 per week, and for 8 weeks it would be a total pay of around $1920.00

Thats not bad. Do you have to travel far to work each day? If so, take a certain % out of the pay for gas. At 16, thats not a bad job to get you into the workforce.

sounds ok,, just a little short of $300.00 per week. Hopefully you are only working 8 hours per day.


What does it take to be an Auto Financier?? what is the average Pay?

what do you have to do to become one? is a finance degree necessary?? what is around the average pay for a full time one? does it vary among dealerships. for example. would a financier who works at Mercedes Benz make more money that one who works at Kia or Hyundai, because it's not as expensive of a brand??

any info would be great.

Best place to go for this information is they will have a drop down menu for you to select the info.

How much do the licensed financial representatives make at td ameritrade?




Top 20 MNC companies in mumbai?

Top 20 MNC companies in mumbai for job.



Glaxo smith kline





aban offshore


Areva T &D


Proctor and gamble



Mackinsy consulting




Hi... Looking fwd to be an Actuary into Investments.. Kindly Share Job prospects open for me?

I m pursuing it from Mumbai, India. I m an MBA with 2 years of experience into Stock Broking. No Bluffs Please...

would you want to work in the uk?

if so, check out this site:

Need Financial Help Fast. How can I ask my mother for financial help?

I'm in a really big financial jam with my bank. I did not know about finance fees and negative balance fees in banks. I just started last year with a student bank account. the bank doesnt want to wave the 100 dollar fees because I overdraft charged by 61 cents!!! Im outraged!!! Now i need my mom's help. she has given me everything ive ever wanted. I have no job, and my city has a job crisis, cant get one. How do I ask my mom for help, or how can I make money fast before the negative balance fees rise EVERY DAY!!! HELP!!!!

For starters why don't you educate yourself about your bank's terms.

Read all the paperwork you got when you opened your account.

Then call your Mom and tell her that you need money to cover the overdraft and that yes,.... you were uneducated about the process of banking and realized your mistake and did your homework so that it won't happen again....
What do I need to be a stock broker?

Is it easy to get hired as one?

I'm not a US citizen, but I do have a Bsc, MBA from top US and British universities.


You can find latest jobs in your area,find now at

A question for all you bankers...and shopaholics. :P?


today i spent like 150 on my debit card

i have a savings account..

and i went to buy a juice and my card got denied 10 times and is it cuz i spent to much cuz its a savings account...

and im only 16 will they phone my parents or something about me 'maxing out' my debit card?..

cuz if they do i will be in huge trouble...

this has never happened before..

will someone please help !!

you ran out of money debits cant be maxed out it's like having all your cash in your wallter in a card form so your out oh money

Sounds like your parents put a built-in break on your spending habits.

Either you have a daily spending limit ($150) or you have a limit on how often you can use the card during one business day.

The money you have is not on your card. It is in your savings account and your card gives you access to that money.

Looks like your parents put a daily max. on your account.

(I put a limit on what my daughter was allowed to spend in a day for the first year she had her own bank account. After she proved to me that she can handle her account responsibly I raised her limit.

Until then she could only spend x-amount a day. If she tried to go over the card was denied.

Of course... you could just call the 1-800 on the back of the card and talk to a bank rep. to find out why your card was denied...

you need your bank account number and pin number for this.

What is the difference between charted account and charted financial anlayst?

i'm want to know that what a charted account does and what is a financial anlayst does

Financial analyst: research companies to determine what to invest in. They make reports, models, and spread sheets. They also analyze the findings.

Chartered accountant: provide financial advice, taxation, money management, and test financial information.

Good Luck!

Stimulus funds for those unemployed and need financial help for training in new fields?

I have been working in project manager in the graphic arts fields and now I want to go to school for Home Appraiser license and need financial help

All the "hot" fields now will be not in demand in a few years. Take nursing for example. They are pushing out so many nurses from schools right now that in 2-3 years it will be a $15/hr job. You watch and see.

What is the top paying mathematics/statistics career out there?

an engineer

Mathematics/Statistics Teacher.

Not top but well paid, Actronn

Monday, March 30, 2009

How much does it cost to get into your local ice rink? (UK residents preferably)?

If you know how much skate hire is, let me know. I wanna know how mine compares to other's. Mine costs 3.30 for admission and 1.40 for hire.

Juat freeze your neighbours swimming pool, or the local pond website?

Is a good site. I was thinking og signing up and becoming a member. Could someone tell me if im doing the right thing?

I tried it for a while but got very bored very quickly with all the surveys. It's OK, if you like that sort of thing, but you do get a lot of extra spam mail and phone calls.

I set up another e-mail account just for esources, I would advise doing the same to keep all the junk out of your normal mailbox.

Does anyone know where there is a second hand designer clothers shop in east london?

I wanted to know if there was one in Woodford or Epping??

It's been years since I was in London, but Petticoat Lane sounds familiar.

Google it - it's catch-as-catch can, but I bought designer jeans there pretty cheap.

For Woodford try Oxfam - lot of good schmutter donated there

UK First Class post arrival?

I'm living in London and expecting a package from Southampton, it was posted on Thursday, so i expected it to arrive on Saturday, seeing as it was posted Royal Mail - 1st Class.

It's now monday, no package, maybe I'm just over reacting seeing as the weekend can sometimes slow down the post...

still, anyone have this experience with first class mail?

(the package is relatively small, i assume it's probably slightly too big to get through the mail slot in the front door, but yeah, around that size)

1st class should have got there by now, i mean you can drive from Southampton to Londaon in an hour for goodness sake.

check it out if i were you.was it recorded ?

you should have recieved it by now, if it didnt fit through your door they would leave a little card saying they tried to deliver.

Shop opening hours Westfield?

hi :] does anyone know what times the shops at the Westfield shopping centre (in London) close?

On the website, it says that it opens from 10am -9pm (i'm gonna go during the week; wednesday in particular), but it then says that you may need to check with individual shops?1?

If there are individual closing times, i just wanted to check what time shops like H&M, Pull & bear, Urban Outfitters close at, but if there aren't any individual times, could someone please reassure me they close at 9pm?!

..I've just confused myself, i don't think what I wrote made sense .So, i'd just like to know what time shops close during the week.

thank you!

Where can i get free secondhand furniture in england?

i am just about to move into a house with my grandson and need furniture for his bedroom my bedroom and the sitting room

Freecycle can be good for this. Gumtree's great too.

Your local recycling centre ie local a good source although it will cost you a small fee.

Try Look up your nearest city. There is always loads of furniture for sale on there.

What jobs can I get? I

I need a job because my parents are making me pay for most of my things now, because of this recession and everything, and money is starting to get a bit tight. My friends and parents don't know anyone who can employ me, I've asked around. I'm just scared of missing out on things my friends can do because they can afford it.

I don't think think achievements really count at my age, but I generally get good marks, and am in top sets for most things.

What official jobs can I get... oh and I live in Cornwall.

In all honesty, you'd be lucky to get anything at the moment.

Try waitressing, restaurants are always employing teenagers/young adults (because they can pay you less!) and there are always students coming and going.

Check your local town centre, though since they will be advertising retail roles, you're unlikely to get a job in a shop unless you have previous experience working in retail.

Do you want a full-time/part-time/saturday job?

What Expectation for G20 Meet, Thurs in London?

Obama say must confirm on action

Brown say must change for answer

China say must have for strength

I suspect there will be 19 nations that realize what a fraud Obama is. He will be looking for his teleprompter and left speechless.

Soliciters horley surrey?



I think you mean Sheppersons. Tel 01293 772424.

Can i be an diffrent race and work for british airways?

well when i grow up i wont to work for british airways as being a pilot but see i am indian and Canadian and American. so could i still work

You have to qualify first. So, you can start your training and other requirements first. For a pilot, they may also have some minimum physical tests. You need to check on it - some you can work to acquire, whereas some cannot be improvised. Weight and height are good examples.

Most international airlines do hiring in their countries, but still there is some recruiting done abroad. The three countries you mentioned are commonwealth countries. You may find more flexibility. Also, there are dual citizenship. If you have this status, you will have some advantage. In the meanwhile, work hard and focus on what will be required for your test. After all these days the plane capacities are getting larger, thus a pilot could be flying a plane with a few hundred humans as a passenger. A BIG responsibility!!

Good luck.

If you also have British Nationality I would think - there is fierce competition.

You can be anything you want to be. Good Luck!

My parcel has been stuck at the outward office of exchange in the international hub by parcel force ?

Hi i ordered some goods from china and my parcel has been stuck at the office of outward exchange for 5 days now.I have read on the internet that it will get destroyed and some say that it will be delivered does anybody know for sure what will happen?

contact them & ask what the delay is........could be a bad address or a charge may be needed for customs release

was just wondering if your parcel has been delivered yet mines is saying the same

19-03-2009 08:30 International Hub Arrived at outward Office of Exchange

18-03-2009 21:28 International Hub AWAITING CUSTOMS CHARGING

18-03-2009 21:28 International Hub Arrived in destination country

18-03-2009 01:54 Delivery Agent - BEIJING - PTT Left origin country

17-03-2009 17:01 Delivery Agent - CHINA Collected from customer

What is the exact location of your recruitment office?

good day to all

9240 Leland Drive

Orlando, FL

Anyone know where Stylist Rachael from TONI AND GUY Liverpool St has moved to?

did anyone hear about alot of members getting banned by the forums for discussin gthat apparently myprotein ingredients arent as they are listed. apparently even though their products are cheap(and probably average because of this, I havent tried them tho) they have lied about their nutritional content on the labels. Just a thought. I usually go with maximuscle but they are so expensive so I was looking to for a cheaper alternative.

No surprise! I was also looking for a cheaper option and made the mistake of ordering from my protein did actually arrive it was a complete mess with powder all over the packaging. It then took me 3 days to actually get through to anyone at myprotein, not that they were of any use!!!...Absolute nightmare!!!

I've started using Your Protein by LA Muscle, which is amazingly cheap considering the quality but would love to know if there are any cheaper alternatives.

it is the way the world is.

if you go to their website and talk about how bad their product is then your most likely off getting bad cuz your making their business look bad

Back into work tomorrow morning for 3 days when do you work and how many days on and off do you work?

install luxury bathrooms

I do 3 days in work, one in uni and 7days as a wife and mother!!

monday to friday 8.30-5.30 and then Saturday 10am-2pm

Sundays off.


I work 7 days a week in one capacity or another.

5days on and 2off

back to work hopefully monday after 10weeks off cus of a car crash

5 days on 2 days off for me

industrial electrical engineer 5 nights 6pm to 6am,!!

i work 4 days have off 3 in a rotation 10 hour days

I'm an actor, but not a very good one so I have LOTS of time off. Lol, also do 4-5 days barwork

i work and wokr and work - no day off :(

5 day office and 2 day cleaning after my 2 year old son

Whats your favorite name?

i am writing a story and cant think of unusual names so help me please.




I like Nina, Alicia, Caira and Sian for girls

Dante, Lucca, Damon and Andres for boys


Pronounced O- Shan( its a girl name)


jason and riley are my ultimate favourite names!

Anouska! It's the name of my ipod!

How much do games cost in London?

so I ask again to all of you, who live in London. How much do the games cost there more than on ? How much does Killzone 2 cost? Thhank you for answering. I ask because I live in Germany

A new ps3/xbox 360 game will cost 39.99 in 'GAME'

I live in the richmond upon thames area, is there anywhere related to literature or publishing nearby?

i'm looking for a week or two of sumer work experience, i'm a teenager and the school recommended we get some

800 E Broad St

Richmond, VA 23219

here you can find alot of books related to literature;;

Where could I buy leather from a wholesalers for London?

try going for tomcat leather ltd, if you find it on google maps, they give you the phone number

GAME what is the biggest store in london?

There's a store near me but it's very small and I was wondering if they have a superstore somewhere? I would like to buy rollercoaster tycoon 2 but I dunno where they would have it in stock! x

The biggest Game store in London is probably their Oxford Street Branch, although it isn massive. Ie seen Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 being sold in PC world and Maplins recently so try those shops as well. Good luck finding it, it a great game.

the biggest store in London is probally Harrords but the biggest toy store in London and Probally in the world is Hamleys just near the top of Regent Street on the Left hand side as you go down from Oxford Circus you should be able to get it there

Problem with Barclays Bank.?

The situation is I opened a BarclaysPlus 11-15 year old account, I put 210 into the account. A few days later, I recieved a letter confirming my pin number and saying my Debit card will follow within 2 days. Instead of a card arriving, I got a letter saying "Guaranteed Payments, Tesco 30 top up". It then said " Even though there are insuffiecent funds in your account, we have agreed to pay". I did not recieve a card, every purchase was at Tesco, The indian call centers are a ******* waste of time, I faxed over dispute forms and have not heard anything. I want to know if anyone has had this problem and how long it was until they got their money back.

Forget the call centres, go into a branch and don't leave until you are satisfied they will sort you problem out. Make sure you write down the name of the person you speak to. As you are under 15, it would be best if you went in with a parent or someone over 18.

Go to the citizen advice,

Bank are greedy mofo's

Nobody should bring his money to any bank any more.

I have a job interview as a bus driver in london.?

I have a job interview and tests to be a london bus driver.

Has anyone got any tips for me for the interview and if anyone knows the test questions etc.

please help


In the interview

*Don't feel you have to keep smiling - be genuine

*Think through some questions they might ask and prepare answers. *Think up difficult scenarios and prepare you you would react to them (they may ask you this to test your adaptability)

*Read up on buses and london- Do some research on 'the knowledge' (Detailed knowledge of London's roads.) Knowledge shows enthusiasm and always impresses.

*Be yourself and don't be afraid to be truthful

*Before you go in, touch your left knee with your right hand and visa-versa, do it a few times, as fast as you want. It engages both sides of the brain so you can think faster.

Hope this was helpful, and GOOD LUCK!

stay cool

Where to complain if somebody has forged/tampered with a letter of Lloyds TSB and Natwest Bank in UK?

i would preferably like their concerned authorities email addresses. thanks in advance.

Take it to your local police, and tell the banks about it

For Lloyds/TSB

We will never send you an email asking you to provide security information (such as PINs or passwords) or linking you to a website that does. If you have received an email like this, it will be fraudulent. Please forward it to us at and then delete it from your inbox.

For NatWast

You can write to the Customer Relations Manager (address below). Please quote your account number, branch sort code, details of your complaint and what you'd like the Bank to do to resolve it.

NatWest Customer Relations




Our Customer Relations Unit number is: 0800 015 4212. (If you have speech or hearing difficulties and are a textphone user, you can call us on 0800 917 0527).

Overseas callers should dial 00 44 20 7649 9315.

Lines are open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9am until 5.30pm, Wednesday 9.30am until 5.30pm and Saturday 9am until 3pm.

Take it to the local police station

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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Does anyone Know where to buy GLOW necklaces, paint, ect. In NYC or BRONX?

I am throwing a small TECHNO/RAVE party Soon & I don't want to buy things online so Does anyone Know of a place Where they sell GLOW things such as shirts, paint, bracelets, necklaces, ballons..ect.

For chead maybe : D


Thnx Alot for your answers ( :

Check a store called "Party City"

By the way, Bronx and Chinatown are apart of NYC as a whole. Peace!

Looking for a bank other than WaMu ... any recommendations?

I%26#039;m fed up with WaMu ... for obvious reasons and want to put my money in a credit union or smaller bank. Any thoughts on which one is best in terms of not too many fees and a good Web site for doing transactions online? thanks!

I use BECU. It doesn%26#039;t have many fees and has a nice website.

You are headed in the right direction, so go to your local credit union web site or a regional bank in your area and check them out too. The smaller the bank the better the service usually is, so check them out with the BBB and then go to the bank or credit union and talk to them and ask all the questions you want answers answered. Also ask for their financial statement.

Do not go with Bank of America if you are looking for a credit card. They changed my rate of interest from 17% to 34% because I made an error in a payment and then the lowered my credit line, so I ended up paying $39 for a late fee and another $39 for being over the limit for a total of $78 every month with out anything being applied to what I owed. I finally stopped paying them and went into bankruptcy.

Here are alot:

* 1st Security Bank of Washington

* AEA Bank

* American Marine Bank

* AmericanWest

* Anchor Mutual Savings Bank

* Anchor Savings Bank

* Asia-Europe-Americas Bank

* Baker Boyer National Bank

* Bank Northwest

* Bank of America

* Bank of Clark County

* Bank of Fairfield

* Bank of Whitman

* Bank Reale

* Banner Bank

* Cascade Bank

* Cashmere Valley Bank

* Charter Bank

* City Bank

* Coastal Community Bank

* Columbia Bank

* Columbia State Bank

* Columbia Trust Bank

* Community First Bank

* Evergreen Bank

* EverTrust Bank

* Fife Commercial Bank

* First Community Bank of Washington

* First Federal S%26amp;L

* First Heritage Bank

* First Independent Bank

* First Mutual Bank

* First Savings Bank of Renton

* FirstBank Northwest

* Foundation Bank

* Fremont First National Bank

* Frontier Bank

* Golf Savings Bank

* Harbor Community Bank

* Heritage Savings Bank

* HomeStreet Bank

* Hometown National bank

* Horizon Bank

* Islanders Bank

* Issaquah Bank

* Key Bank

* Kitsap Bank

* North Cascades National Bank

* Northwest International Bank

* Pacific International Bank

* Pacific Northwest Bank

* Pacifica Bank

* Pend Oreille Bank

* Pierce Commercial Bank

* Puyallup Valley Bank

* Rainier Pacific Bank

* Redmond National Bank

* Regal Financial Bank

* Riverview Savings Bank

* Seattle Savings Bank

* Security State Bank

* Shoreline Bank

* Skagit State Bank

* South Sound Bank

* Sterling Savings Bank

* The Bank of the Pacific

* The Bank of Washington

* The Commerce Bank of Washington, National Association

* Timberland Bank

* Today%26#039;s Bank

* Twin River National Bank

* Umpqua Bank

* US Bank

* Viking Bank

* Washington Business Bank

* Washington Federal Savings and Loan Association

* Washington First International Bank

* Washington State Bank

* Washington Trust Bank

* Westside Community Bank

* Westsound Bank

* Wheatland Bank

* Whidbey Island Bank

* Yakima Federal Savings and Loan Association

I use wells fargo with no problems, I actually like banking with them, and they have easy to use online bill pay , and it is free. I do not get charged any fees for banking with them, and I only have a standard checking account and savings account.

Over the summer, I went to Wachovia. I really like them; nice, their website is easy to use, I feel safe with them.

Plus, if you are recommended by someone, they get $25, and so do you!

my piggy bank is very safe. it%26#039;s been around for ever since i was a kid and no fees. email me if you want to open an account.

go to a credit union. I know wamu will nickel and dime you to death.

bank of america.

list of banks

PNC bank

UMB Bank

citizens bank

all of these banks are in america

try chase theres nothing wrong with it it the top back in the USA



How many packing peanuts and tape does the US postal service use in a year, month, day?

I wanted to know how much plastic packing waste the USPS creates.

The USPS probably doesn't use a lot of that stuff, since they don't do the packing for shippers. Of course, they *carry* tons of it when packed by other people, but that's just because it is already in the box as the USPS gets it.

I hope this helps!!

Can i be an diffrent race and work for british airways?

well when i grow up i wont to work for british airways as being a pilot but see i am indian and Canadian and American. so could i still work

You have to qualify first. So, you can start your training and other requirements first. For a pilot, they may also have some minimum physical tests. You need to check on it - some you can work to acquire, whereas some cannot be improvised. Weight and height are good examples.

Most international airlines do hiring in their countries, but still there is some recruiting done abroad. The three countries you mentioned are commonwealth countries. You may find more flexibility. Also, there are dual citizenship. If you have this status, you will have some advantage. In the meanwhile, work hard and focus on what will be required for your test. After all these days the plane capacities are getting larger, thus a pilot could be flying a plane with a few hundred humans as a passenger. A BIG responsibility!!

Good luck.

If you also have British Nationality I would think - there is fierce competition.

You can be anything you want to be. Good Luck!

How do I get into the entertainment industry? Managing clubs..promoting?

I would love to maybe be a promoter for clubs. Work for clubs. Not bartender or gogo dance type things. Like management maybe, and be able to go around to different clubs in the country. I know it might take years to accomplish that, but how can I get my foot in the door. Any degrees I need to get?

Why don't you find one club first and offer them to do the club promoting or find out who the club promoter is in that club. Get to know the bouncers and the bartenders they can help you out to find out the info you are looking for...

What are some nice bars to go on 9th street?

also sushi bars

all around 9th street or close by. university place.

all in the east village or village area.

the Village area.the best area at night for bars...theres too many sushi bars to name cause most of them all are good and friendly...

Back into work tomorrow morning for 3 days when do you work and how many days on and off do you work?

install luxury bathrooms

I do 3 days in work, one in uni and 7days as a wife and mother!!

monday to friday 8.30-5.30 and then Saturday 10am-2pm

Sundays off.


I work 7 days a week in one capacity or another.

5days on and 2off

back to work hopefully monday after 10weeks off cus of a car crash

5 days on 2 days off for me

industrial electrical engineer 5 nights 6pm to 6am,!!

i work 4 days have off 3 in a rotation 10 hour days

I'm an actor, but not a very good one so I have LOTS of time off. Lol, also do 4-5 days barwork

i work and wokr and work - no day off :(

5 day office and 2 day cleaning after my 2 year old son

Landlord is texting me for money. Is that weird?

not late, just for the month of, and she wants me too meet her with cash. And she text me on friday. "U have money for me?" It is very uncomfortable. Even though I am saving for the 1st she wants it during the week. Is that weird?

Lol! Yes that is somewhat weird

JOBS in Bowling Green, KY?

I have applied on more then a dozen different websites and is there a more reliable approach. Anyone else out there in BG?

is that where the corvette factory is? sorry Im in Kentucky too jobs here are bad as well!

What is your expereince like going to a thrift store (Op shop)? ps... I always give best answers?

What is your purpose?

Are you young or old?

How long do you take there?

Do you have anything else to say about buying second hand products?

Are you embarrassed by it?

I'm just researching the setting for my report. I recently observed a local thrift store (Op shop) and would like to know further what type of people go there and why?

Do you notice more kinds of people go there than others?

Thank you soo much for taking the time to answer this question!

What is your purpose?

I originally went to thrift stores in search of cheap clothing for my niece either before she was born or right after her birth. I also bought a lot of books that are suitable for parents to read to a baby or a toddler and a lot of books that she'll enjoy when she learns how to read herself. I sometimes look at the toys and buy her toys that look like they're either in a new condition or will be suitable for her to play with after being properly cleaned.

I've bought my niece a lot of name brand clothing such as Baby Gap, Baby Guess, Carter's, DKNY, Old Navy, OshKosh, etc.

I've bought her a lot of Marc Brown's Arthur books, a few Eric Carle books (The Very Hungry Caterpillar), etc.

When I look for myself I look for interesting old music records (I've found a few Beatles, The Who, The Beach Boys, etc.), VHS movies, cassettes, and books.

How long do you take there?

Usually I spend around a half hour to an hour at my local thrift store, because they have so much interesting stuff to look at.

Do you have anything else to say about buying second hand products?

I don't see anything wrong with someone buying second hand stuff. I do think that if you're buying stuff for a child that you should take the time and inspect the item thoroughly.

Are you embarrassed by it?

Am I embarrassed? Not really. For one you can find a lot of interesting clothing that is either new with tags, barely worn, or looks like it has been worn a lot but still looks wearable.

I would say a mixture of people visit thrift stores.

1. You have the people who unfortunately can only shop at thrift stores or second hand shops especially if they have a larger family or can't afford to shop at certain places. Not everyone can afford to buy their children brand new Hollister shirts or the latest Abercrombie & Fitch jeans and stores such as these are a godsend, because they can buy their children name brand clothing at cheaper prices.

2. I would imagine lot of people also visit the thrift stores and scour the store shelves and racks for items that could sell well at yard sales or EBAY.

3. I would also imagine a lot of people who could easily afford to shop at the mall, designer stores, and make a large salary also shop at thrift stores to save a few bucks.

4. You also have the people who like to browse and search for anything that sparks their attention.

I go to the shops looking for old trivial pursuit versions. I use them in an online chat room. The stores are great bargains.... a game that sells new for $25 can be had for $3 at the shops. Trouble is, the inventory is unpredictable, so I have to check them often.

Most of the shops support charitable causes, so I have no problem patronizing them.

I shop to save money and get more for the price.

With a 9yr old son I buy his cloths there because boys are so though on cloths that paying $30 for a shirt that he is going to climb a tree and get it caught and rip it NO thanks also boys.

I would rather spend $30.00 in a thrift store and walk out with 4 or 5 shirts and 3 or 4 pants and or shorts rather than one $30 item just makes sense to me.and I save so much money I can go back more than once a pay check when new shipments come in at other stores you go back 2 days later its still all the same to pick can find things like furniture and other things so cheap that you have the money to buy paint and fabric etc to make it your own. instead of buying something that every body else has one of.also I have bought antiques for $2-$3 and sold it in a yard sale for $$8.I think a lot of moms and grandmas shop there just because they are smart about their money and time.and no not embarrassed although the only thing I will not buy is underwear, that would be embarrassing.

Question about new york(or something)?

yes, a lot of details

i was watching ncis a while ago, near the start, while examing the crime scene, two of the people were talking(forgot names), one said that in new york(or set town) theres some streets named after each letter of the alphabet(a street, b street, ect.) except for a j street and asked if the other knew the reason...

my question is, are there these streets and if so, why isnt there a j street?

I didn't see the show, but what you are describing sounds more like Washington, DC than New York. Could they have been talking about Washington on the show?

New York has Avenues A, B, and C (no higher than that, I believe); they are in lower Manhattan, and as I said, they are Avenues, not Streets.

In Washington, however, the grid is just like you heard--A Street, B Street, and so on through the alphabet--but no J street. The reason is supposed to be that in the end of the 1700's and beginning of the 1800's, when Washington was first laid out, the alphabet was, well, a little looser than it is today. There was not a clear distinction between J and I. Writers would write I's with a curved bottom, like a J, and they would write J's that were straight, like I. As a result, the city planners decided it would be clearer just to skip J altogether, and go right from I Street to K Street.

By the way, friends who have lived in Washington for a long time tell me that people used to play tricks on out-of-towners, telling them to go to, say, the intersection of 14th and J Streets.

I have not ever lived in New York, but I do believe there are streets like that. New York has so many roadways so they name their streets a lot of different things.

Has anyone ever worked for wal-mart in knoxville, TN?

If so, is the pay good?

Do they treat you well?

I have a interview 2morrow.

what kind of questions will they ask you?

is there two interviews?

and will they hire you on the spot, or say 'they'll call you'?


I worked for Wal-Mart for around 2 years that company is nothing but a bait and switch they will hire people and then when you start working for them everything changes you see a different side of that company from the in side and it is evil I will not even shop there any more and guess what I save money and live better !


I live a few miles out the city, I want a shop that sells second hand PS2 games and stuff.

Road name or something as well please, I'm not great knowing my way round Notts, but I can look it up.

Oh yeah, I know about Game and shops like that but you always find better stuff in the trade shops I think xD


Gamestation has a good and wide selection of second hand stuff, there's likely one somewhere in Nottingham. Check their website for the store checker to find a store near you.

Game mainly only does new stuff though, so you won't find what your looking for in there.

In my experience, there's not often better deals to be found on pre owned games in anywhere but gamestation, since they often have offers on such as 4 for 20, 2 for 10 etc which others don't have.

The only advantage looking elsewhere I guess would be to find more variety, you don't always find the games your looking for.

Good ways for kids to make money in the uk?

Any good ways for kids to make money i live in harrow any places were i can put up a lemonade stand eg

If you do this make sure the kids are supervised at all times..

To many weirdos on the loose these days to let kids out of sight..

Some body tell me about aeepeelight which was situated on delhi?

i want to start business by seeing on it trust ful?

yes its, but you have to check the all drawbacks and compatetors.

better you go in person and collect the details...

all the best

Poll: Why are we bailing out banks?

They each need to give us 100,000 dollars and us as Americans can spend it right

Good question. I wonder if we will ever know the answer.

The store at the tysons mall??????

ok so i bought this 50 dollor light up clock at the tysons mall near vienna. the store name started with a B. I already opened it but i want to return it now. can i? please i need help!

It is probably Brookstone. You may be able to return it call them and check.

In-Store picture machines at WALGREENS?

Does anyone know if the in-store photo machines at Walgreens allow you to upload stuff from a memory stick?

I know you can use disks and memory cards, but I am not sure about the universal memory sticks.

I really dont want to load them online, Id rather do it in store.

Let me know please (:

I used one a few weeks ago, really just out of curiosity. I needed some prints for work and our printer was out of ink. It had a place or a CD and sockets for SD, compact flash, and memory stick. It was very easy to use, you put in your media, it shows thumbnails on the screen and you pick which ones you want, and what size, then it prints them out. The one I used did take memory sticks.

How much does it cost to put up adverts at Vancouver skytrain stations?

not too expensive, some advertising packages start at $295 a month.;;

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