Business & Finance

Monday, April 13, 2009

Should We all Leave RBS?

As RBS intend to sack British workers and take the work abroad to India to save money, should its customers vote with its feet and bank elsewhere?


Absolutely not. The balance of money is a fickle one at the best of times; think back to Norther Rock as a classic example and the ques of people wanting their money out. The best thing to do is ignore politics and keep confidence high.

If we all went, RBS as we know it would be no more; for once as individuals by way of a collective we can have some degree of influence. No, leave well alone (IMO) we are sliding on a razor blade as it is, RBS popping its clogs would not help one bit to rebuild consumer confidence.


RBS is reorganising. It has to lay off those staff of divisions that are not profitable. Its retail sections both locally and overseas are doing well.To save some staff from redundancies it may need to re ploy staff to India.

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